Tuesday, August 27, 2024

What do you believe JW‘s should be doing?

A response to the blog, WT Deception - Do not be afraid to test all things (1 Thess.5:20-21):

“I agree JW‘s are generally afraid to test teachings or question anything. What do you believe JW‘s should be doing?”

My response:

Yes, JWs are afraid to test their own teachings or teachings of other anointed (who are not part of the self-proclaimed “governing body”) that expose the lies of WT.  What JWs are to do is, of course, found in scripture.  JWs, like all, must heed the admonishment found in scripture which says to test all things (1 Thess.5:20-21; Heb.4:12; 2 Tim.3:16-17). If what they are taught is of Spirit, such teachings will be speaking and explaining spiritual things - not contrived by use of human reasoning, which results in confusion, man-made rules and doctrine that flip-flop and eventually expire (Rom.8:9; 1 Cor.2:10-16; 14:37; 1 Tim.6:3-5,20-21; 2 Tim.3:7,5; John 14:6; Matt.15:7-9). 

JWs should obey God, not man - listening and obeying man-made doctrine is giving authority and submitting one’s self to men….worshipping men, not worshipping God in Spirit and truth (John 4:24; Acts 5:29; 4:19). Teachings of Spirit are not located in a physical religious building because teachings of Spirit guide the mind and heart of true worshippers to worship in Spirit and truth (Acts 7:48-51; 17:24; Isa.66:1; 1 Cor.14:15; John 4:23-24).*  The point is not where we go, but who we go to (John 6:68-69).  Jesus is the head of his body (Col.1:15-18). You may wish to review the bullet points in the original post that discuss the spiritual temple/body of Christ.  

Spirit-anointed are the body of Christ, a household of spiritual priests, the spiritual temple/house, the dwelling place of God’s Spirit, and they must be faithful to their head in order to instruct in words of eternal life (1 Pet.2:5,9; 2 Cor.1:21-22; 1 Cor.3:16; John 6:67-69; 15:1-5). Without testing, how will JWs know whether the instruction received is of an anointed person who is faithful to Jesus and is teaching according to the Spirit, or whether unfaithful and without the Spirit (John 1:1,14; 6:63; 12:49; 14:10; 15:1-5; 14:24; 2 Cor.1:21-22; 1 John 2:20,27; Matt.12:35-37; 1 John 4:1; 1 Tim.4:1; 2 Pet.2:1-3)?  

Testing WT teachings/fruit reveals their teachings are not words of eternal life but are lies. Worship in scripture means to pay homage to, to revere [Greek word: G4352; Hebrew word: H7812].  JWs revere the teachings of WT. JWs revere the anointed leaders of WT and their puppet not-anointed men who they appointed as “shepherds.”  Who are JWs really worshipping?  Not God the Father, but the father of the lie and a murderer (1 John 4:8; John 8:44).  

JWs and the anointed among them who are worshipping/revering that idol organization Watchtower, are serving a lie and must stop spreading lies, repent, and return to God (Matt.24:4-5,11,24; Eph.5:6-7; Prov.18:20-21; Matt.12:35-37; Mal.2:7,6; Psalm 119:1-4,9-10; John 15:10; Luke 4:8; John 4:24; James 4:7-8; Rev.22:14-15; 14:6-7,9-11; Acts 3:19; Matt.3:2; 4:17; Ezek.18:32; 2 Pet.3:9; Zech.1:3; 2 Tim.2:21). Returning to God is not in a literal sense as if  it’s a physical walk to a physical location rather, a return in the heart (Joel 2:12; Jer.29:13; Psalm 62:1-2,8; James 4:8-9; Phil.4:6-7).  These disloyal anointed leaders and their self-selected and appointed teachers of their doctrine are spiritually immoral and meet the spiritual requirement of who is not to be associated with (1 Cor.5:1,11; 2 Thess.3:13-16; Matt.18:16-17; Rom.16:17-18; Prov.18:20). These scriptural explanations about this matter can be found on the blog: https://inthenightaflyingscroll.blogspot.com/2023/10/shunning-who-do-you-not-associate-with.html?m=0

And a blog by my anointed partner:


If this did not answer your question, please query again ❤️

*You may wonder how faithful spiritual priests gather together without a physical building?  It is not hard to imagine how when no matter location on this planet, there are many electronic means afforded to meet. 

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