Monday, May 1, 2023

“Just imperfect men.” A perfect excuse?

I received an email from a JW who received my letter, Armageddon - what type of warfare?  The following is the email received (in italics), and my response. 
[Note:  If on a PC, hover your mouse over the scripture and it will automatically pop up to read. If on a mobile, a light tap will provide readability]

It seems that you are unhappy that many will die at Armageddon. Jehovah is unhappy about that too and says that we should not rejoice over the death of the wicked. Unfortunately Wicked doesn't mean positively evil but just as in Noah's time it was a great thing that he was doing building the ark which was as big as a football field three stories high. Yet many people died because they would not get on the ark. They just had to go through that open door and they were invited and refused to get on. So eight people survived the great flood. After Armageddon it talks about the birds eating the dead people. And it is not people who are going to kill people but it is Jehovah bringing his judgment against those who do not want to get on the symbolic Ark. Many others may still survive because of their beliefs and that pretty much coincide with which Jehovah wants them to know. We also know he looks at people's hearts and Jesus who is going to be and is right now the reigning king of God's Kingdom is able to read hearts. We know that not every human being on the Earth is going to be contacted or even those who may have the opportunity to be contacted had enough time to be able to make a decision as to where they stand before God and what God wants. I do not believe that the governing body is trying to look for worship for themselves but I do believe they're trying to make the educational work easier to understand and to make things simple so that people can make a decision about things. Maybe even those that are favorable to the message that they heard but didn't act on it right away probably will also be saved. 

As far as the governing body goes they did come out several years ago and said that they put too much interpretation on some things and admitted that what they said about those things was not in the Bible and that they won't be doing that anymore because they want to adhere strictly to the Bible. So far I have agreed with what they are doing and that they aren't adding anything to the Bible or taking anything away.  I feel that you are saying that the governing body is what the Jehovah's Witnesses are being told to worship. I do not worship the governing body. Nor do I feel they have asked for worship. They are trying the best they can to educate as many people as possible about God's word the Bible so that people can have a hope for the future especially during the rough times that we are headed for.  Here in the United States we have not had very bad times but because of the dollar is not going to be used as International Trade medium then the dollar value is going to go down and we are going to be in a Great Recession and our money is going to be valueless. We are really going to need guidance from the organization and have encouragement to stay together and encourage one another as the day draws near. We don't know how long Armageddon is going to last but we know it is the war of the great God the Almighty and that we will have no chilling in this matter. The anointed are supposed to be caught away up in the air and join and complete the rest of the $144,000 [sic] that are to rule with Christ over the Earth for the Thousand years. 

I understand your message but I don't understand what you think that we should be doing about the problems that you say exist. I believe that Jehovah always had an organization whether it be a few people like Noah or a large one like Moses was bringing people out of Egypt. But this is going to be even bigger than the Exodus from Egypt. There has to be some kind of organization and it seems that Jehovah at that time used Moses as a leader of his organization and his mouthpiece. There were others who were directed to take responsibilities over so many people just like we have Governors today and the political systems that we have. Because Jethro told Moses that when he was spending all day hearing the Grievances and problems between people that he should have others also taking the lead in each area. So it happened that way and of course Jehovah agreed with that decision or suggestion rather from Jethro. 

So we need an organization and I'm not looking for Perfection of this organization because there is no perfect organization on this Earth. I do keep my eye out for other things and before I became a witness I was exposed to many religions and I did not feel that they were teaching from the Bible as they should. My mother was into Shintoism and Buddhism my father who was American he believed in the Bible but he did not believe in organized religion. I went to Catholic school because my mother felt like since it was just after World War II and people hated the Japanese that we would have a hard time in public school. The Catholic School the nuns weren't very nice to me because they would read something out of the Bible and I raise my hand and question it and of course I was always right but by sixth grade I was told I could not raise my hand during religion class. But what did Jehovah's Witnesses teach is the closest to the Bible that I can find.  You are not offering anything better but you are saying to test it out. So if we find something that's not quite right what are we to do about it? Are you trying to start another religion or are you just trying to correct the governing body? But we do need an organization and physical leaders on this Earth until we have something better and this is the best that we can have right now. I'm sure that if certain ones say things that they are corrected just like saying about people being like hot dogs on a grill. I don't listen to all the talks because sometimes they're just way too long and too much information at a time. But I think that brother Morris was trying to make an impression on people that this is it. You can't be one just sitting on a fence trying to decide which way you want to jump. 

But we are all going to be judged according to the knowledge that we have or had an opportunity to have but didn't look. 

The Bible is published in just about every language or at least close to a language that somebody in an odd language can access in some way. So I just leave the judgment to Jehovah and Jesus and his 144,000 as he's directing them. I don't know how you got my name and address but there were things that I disagreed with and I have patiently waited for things to come out and there are things that I knew that basically the governing body didn't bring out until later.  I understood that Joseph wasn't a builder of house but a carpenter was a person who made carts or wagons. CARPE is a Greek word meaning CART. In a publication that concentrated on Jesus we see him pictured by a wagon wheel. Then I knew that the society had more information about the kind of work Joseph and Jesus did. Most likely when a carpenter wasn't making a cart he made whatever else out of wood that he could make a living on. 

If you are upset about these things take it to prayer to Jehovah. We are not living in a perfect world with perfect people who do everything perfectly. Even Moses made mistakes occasionally. Even those who went with Joshua to explore the land out gave the information as to how big everybody was and how big the produce was but they failed to recognize that Jehovah could overcome everyone has he had done many times for them.  Until I see something better I'm not going to keep poking at the governing body and become a rabble Rouser. They are not perfect but I don't see anything else any better. A lot of what you say is true but it's just like those exploring out the land you are forgetting there are imperfect people but Jehovah will set things straight when it's the right time. In the past the governing body because I believe of Jehovah's Holy Spirit made them understand that they did make a few mistakes but to me they were not major teachings. 

Have you written to the governing body or sent this letter to them? If you have a problem with them tell them. Or are you wanting me to tell them. This is your idea I don't have a problem with it. Until they change something major I will tell them about it. 

But basically the government of this world are going to be destroyed. And it says that the armies of these governments are going to line up for war against Jehovah. If they are trying to hurt to hold those people and as it says in Ezekiel that it will be like touching his eyeball he will go against them. During the time of Moses and thereafter when there was Warfare between the non-Israelites and Jehovah approved of it he actually was the one fighting. 

I feel like you want me to do something but I don't feel like there's a need to. I feel that you are upset because many people are ignoring you. Well the reason why they're not doing anything is you want to point out things you think are wrong but you're not telling anybody what they should do about it. And even if they tested out and see something wrong what are they supposed to do? Is there anything better? Let me know if you do find something better but until then I don't see a point in changing anything this late in the game.

—— My response ——

My dear friend,

Thank you for taking the time to write to me in response to the letter you received.  My heart was so touched by your reaching out to me.  I will not ever forget your many forthright, kind and gentle expressions. I apologize for not making clear in my letter to you what should be done.  Please, if you will allow me to further explain and with scripture, because in scripture we will find God’s dealings with His people in the past are a key to understanding the future.  Please take the time to read all scriptures referenced, because you are correct when you said, "we are all going to be judged according to the knowledge that we have or had an opportunity to have but didn't look" - Matt.16:27; Jer.32:18-19; Rom.2:5-8; Rev.22:12-15.

God’s people, who He was in covenant with, was the “congregation of Israel,” the “house of Israel” (Exod.12:3,19; 16:31; 40:38; Lev.10:6).  Israel was God's "special people" to be a “kingdom of priests and a holy people,” God’s “treasured possession” who were to love God, walk in His ways, and keep His commandments, carefully observing His statutes and ordinances with all their heart and soul (Deut.4:1-2,5-6,13-14; 6:1-6; Exod.19:5-6; Deut.26:15-19; 7:16,6-7,11-12; 14:2; 28:1,9,14-15; Psalm 135:14).  Israel was not permitted to worship God in whatever way or wherever they thought best (Deut.12:1,8,2-5; Ezek.20:19).  None who did not belong to Israel nor was everyone in Israel permitted to perform sacred temple service and instruction on the law, only the priests (Exod.28:1-4,40-43; 29:4,7; Num.18:1-7).  The priests were selected for service only by divine appointment, not by human choice...not even kings were permitted to self-select priests from among the people for that was considered a sin, an evil, or bad way that resulted in judgment (1 Kings 13:33-34; Ezek.44:5-9,15-16,23-24; Hag.2:11; Mal.2:7; Neh.7:65).  

All God’s commands are righteous (Psalm 119:172,138,142).  Carefully observing God's commands was considered righteousness for God's people, and life preserving (Deut.6:24-25,18). If Israel did not obey His commandments and were disobedient, turning to their own way, they broke their covenant and God would turn away from them, cut them off, and discipline them (Deut.26:18-19; Lev.26:14-17,18-20,21-22,23-24, 31-33; Isa.63:8,10; Jer.2:4-5,8-9,29-30,35; 15:5-7).  When rebellious, turning from the way, Israel engaged in backsliding (Hebrew word meaning "apostate"), and was called a prostitute/harlot, to have committed adultery and accepted no culpability saying, “I have not sinned” (Judges 2:17; 8:27; Jer.2:13,20; 3:8,22; 5:1-3,6-7; Hos.7:1-4; Isa.1:1,21; 1 Cor.6:16).  The very ones who were to guide God's people on the path, followed a path of their own thoughts/imaginations and misled the people (Psalm 25:4,10; Prov.10:17; 12:28; Isa.3:12; 9:8,16,13; Zeph.1:4-6; Hos.10:1-5; 2 Kings 23:1-5; Isa.65:1-2).  Notice Israel’s prophets misled God’s people by lies, and the priests also did not walk in the way but were unclean and practiced deceit (Jer.5:31; 6:6-15; Jer.6:13; Prov.14:25; Jer.20:1,6; 29:8-9,23,31; Mal.2:1,7-9; Isa.35:8).

We can examine Israel's priests and their duties and roles to understand the divine standard they were to meet and what would be expected of spiritual Israel.  Let's ask ourselves:

Was it ever acceptable for a consecrated priest to offer a blemished sacrifice to God (Lev.1:3; 3:1; 22:20; Deut.15:19-21; 17:1)?

Was it ever acceptable for a defective priest to perform sacred service (Lev.21:16-24; 22:17)?

Was it ever acceptable for a priest who was consecrated to instruct in knowledge, truth, and show mercy, be unjust and speak falsehood (Mal.2:7-9; Hos.4:6,1-2; Ezek.44:23; Jer.6:13)? 

If you read the scriptures you see the answer is, no.  Only undefective priests were to give instruction to Israel, to perform sacred service, and only unblemished sacrifices were accepted.  The perfection of the priesthood and the animal sacrifices they offered was not about literal physical fleshly perfection, unblemished signifies blameless, complete, accurate (Matt.5:48; 1 Kings 8:61; Prov.11:1; Exod.12:5; 29:1; Deut.18:13).

We understand the priesthood today is not under the old covenant but under the new covenant and is a spiritual household, a spiritual holy priesthood, a spiritual building/temple with each Spirit-anointed person a “living stone,” a heart in which God and Jesus dwell in Spirit (John 13:18; 1 John 2:27; 1 Pet.2:5,9; Phil.3:3; Rom.2:29; Acts 7:48-51; Deut.10:16; Rev.5:10; Eph.2:19-22; John 4:24; Rom.8:9-11; 1 Cor.3:9,16; 12:27; Gal.3:28). Spirit-anointed priests do not perform sacred service by physical sacrifice offerings, but as a spiritual holy priesthood their sacred service is offering a spiritual sacrifice of the lips, instruction that must be perfect, blameless (1 Pet.2:5,9; Mal.2:7; Heb.13:15; Deut.12:32; Prov.30:5-6; Matt.5:48; 1 Tim.6:13-15). The Spirit dwells in Spirit-anointed hearts through faith…faith is critical because Spirit-anointed must have complete trust, faith and rely on Jesus (1 Pet.2:5,9; Eph.1:22-23; 2:19-22; 3:16-21; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-5). Jesus is the head of God’s house, the house/building is a spiritual temple constructed of Spirit-anointed who are the “body of Christ,” they must give truthful instruction (John 14:1-6,12-17; 13:18; 15:16,5,9-10; Rom.5:5; 1 John 2:20,27; Eph.2:19-22; 1 Pet.2:5,9; Eph.5:23; Col.1:18; 1 Cor.3:16; 12:11,27).  So we must ask ourselves, has God changed and lowered His divine standard of sacred service of the spiritual priesthood, now accepting blemished sacrifices, allowing spiritual priests to go their own way and teach what is inaccurate and full of deceit (John 14:6; Job 36:4; John 8:12; 1 Pet.2:5,9; 1 Pet.1:14-16; Gal.3:21-22; Matt. 15:7-9; 12:34-37; Prov.18:21; Eph.4:29; Titus 1:9,16; Rev.21:8)?  Would the Father and Jesus find the spiritual priesthood complete in “body” when they speak falsehood, and excuse their lies, saying, “They led My people astray by speaking and teaching lies in My name, but that’s okay, they’re just imperfect” (Ezek.33:1-10; John 4:23-24; 1 Pet.1:14-16; 1 Thess.4:1-2,7-8; 2 Cor.1:21-22; Luke 10:16; Matt.7:21-23; Psalm 5:5,9)?

When speaking of the last days, Jesus warned of false prophets who will arise and deceive many (Matt.24:11; 1 John 4:1; 2 Peter 2:1; 1 Thess.5:21; 1 Timothy 4:1-2).  He said, “For false christs [false anointed] and false prophets [false spokesman] will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect [those chosen by God for rendering special service to Him]” (Matt.24:24).  The Greek word, “the elect” means holy, righteous, chosen, perfected by conforming to the divine will (1 Pet.2:9; Rev.17:14). The chosen spiritual holy priesthood do not carry out an activity of their own will rather, they become doers of the law, the law that is written in their heart and mind by the Spirit (Jer.31:33; Ezek.11:19; Psalm 40:8; Heb.8:10; 2 Cor.3:3; Rom.5:5; 2:29,13; John 14:15-17,23-24; Matt.22:36-39; Rom.1:17-18; John 14:1,6; Psalm 125:5).  Faithful Spirit-anointed priests will not speak counterfeit words but will yield their activity of human thinking to the Spirit to shape their thoughts, to teach them and give them wisdom and discernment on the perfect will of God contained in the Word, and in turn speak divine wisdom, teachings of Spirit, the truth (Psalm 31:1-8; John 14:1,6; Ezek.36:27; 1 Pet.2:5,9; John 14:17; 16:13; Rom.5:5; 8:12-16; 12:1-2; 2:8,29; 1 Cor.2:6,10-16; Col.1:28; Eph.4:1-4,10-14,24-25).  You see, what faithful Spirit-anointed teach will be from the Spirit that dwells in them and teaches them (1 Pet.2:5,9; Matt.10:20; John 14:6; 16:13; 6:63; 4:24; Rom.5:5; 14:26).  The sacred service offered by faithful Spirit-anointed is instruction by the Spirit, true instruction they offer freely to others, just as they were given freely, without monetary cost (Rom.15:14-16; John 14:17; 1 Cor.2:12; John 4:14,34; 7:38; Matt.10:8; Isa.55:1; 2 Cor.11:7; Acts 18:1-3).  The requirement of the spiritual priesthood is to remain faithful, righteous, blameless in speech, for they are God’s people, His house, His dwelling place in Spirit - for they are to be a kingdom, kings and priests, the spiritual temple where God and Jesus dwell and will be an everlasting Kingdom through whom all mankind will be blessed (Isa.42:1-9; Luke 2:25,27-32; Acts 13:47; Isa.49:6; Matt.28:19; Deut.32:2; Exod.19:6; 2 Pet.2:5,9; 1:10-11; Rom.15:14-16; 1 Tim.6:13-15; Mal.2:7; Prov.8:8; Rev.1:5-6; 5:10; 17:14; 11:15-19; 21:1-5,9-11,22-27; 22:5; Isa.24:21-23; 60:19-20; Dan.7:27; 1 Cor.15:20-28).  

Spirit-anointed, now, teach the knowledge of God in all wisdom and spiritual understanding which enables those who listen to their teachings to walk in the way, by faith in Jesus Christ, worshipping God in Spirit and truth (John 4:23-24; 15:1-5; Rom.15:14-16; Eph.5:15,17; Col.1:9; Isa.66:1; Acts 17:24; 7:48-51). Obeying doctrines of men, teachings based on human thoughts and imaginations, is to serve a lie, for to do obeisance to men who are teachers of lies is worship because obeisance means, worship (Rom.6:16; Matt.15:7-9; Isa.29:13; Titus 1:1-2,10-11,16; Acts 5:29; Hab.2:18; Jer.10:8; 14:14; Rev.21:8; 22:15).  Men who claim to be anointed and speak for God, claim to speak truth, but whose teachings err, are false - this is the type of magic scripture talks about, lying divinations by false prophets (1 Pet.2:5,9; 1 Pet.1:16; 1 Tim.4:1-2; Matt.24:11,24; 2 Pet.2:1-2; Mark 7:6-7; Rom.1:25; 6:16; 2 Thess.2:3; 1 Sam.15:23; Ezek.13:1-9; Prov.12:22).  “They have envisioned futility and false divination, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord!’ But the Lord has not sent them; yet they hope that the word may be confirmed,” they say, “‘The Lord says,’” but the Lord has not spoken what they say He has spoken through them (Ezek.13:1,6-7; 1 Sam.15:23). 

If the “spiritual food” you eat is not of Spirit, then this food, “fruit,” is not good, not pure, but bad fruit, blemished, led in worship to God by blind guides, worshiping God in vain (Jer.4:22; 5:21; Matt.15:8-9; 12:33-37; Acts 28:26; Isa.6:9-10; John 12:40; Rom.11:8; Hab.2:18).  Yet, these deceivers may appear like sheep, like ministers of righteousness (Matt.7:15; 2 Cor.11:13-15)!  They may have an appearance of being “alive,” sounding wise, but the only spirit they possess is the spirit of mortal man, carnal-minded human teachings for without the Spirit they teach according to their own thoughts - the only life they possess is from the physical air they breathe, for without the Spirit they have no life, they are dead, separated from God, spiritually destitute and perishing (John 6:63; Luke 9:60; Isa.59:2; 2 Pet.3:5-7; Col.2:8; Jude 1:4-5,17-21; 1 Tim.5:6; Rev.3:1; 1 Cor.2:11-14; Rom.8:5-6). 

How will you perceive the prophecies, the events and conditions foretold to occur regarding God’s people, when your mind and heart are immersed in deceptive teachings based on men’s imagination (Jer.9:6; 23:16; Eph.5:6)?  God is not waiting for the leaders of political institutions or general mankind to recognize His right to rule, they are not to be a kingdom, the kings and priests scripture speaks of is the spiritual priesthood, they are required to be faithful to the covenant, and consecrated to instruct (Amos 3:1-2; Ezek.44:23; 1 Pet.2:5,9; Mal.2:7; Heb.13:15; Rev.5:10; 1 Pet.4:17; Prov.14:25; 9:6).  

How can you discern Armageddon is a spiritual warfare when you have been deceived into believing God is a murderer set to command Jesus to lead a physical annihilation, when the murderer is Satan (John 8:44; 2 Cor.10:3-5; 1 John 4:1)?  The battle of Armageddon that the chosen and faithful spiritual priests fight alongside Jesus in is a spiritual war,  a war of words - words that come out of the heart using the Word of God, the truth, fighting against the lies blasphemously asserted to be commands of God given to Jesus given to his spiritual priesthood, but are lies and deceit that originate from Satan spoken by his children (John 8:44; 1 John 3:10; 2 Cor.11:3-4,13-15; Rev.16:13; 17:14; Exod.19:6; 1 Pet.2:9; Rev.1:5-6; Heb.4:12; Rev.19:15; Isa.11:4; Jer.9:3-6; Rom.3:13; Psalm 18:21; 55:21; 57:4; 64:2-3; Hos.6:5-7; Matt.12:35-37).  

Jesus’ words have spiritual meaning, instruction given on his commands require Spirit because his words are not describing literal physical sensory elements, but spiritual things, which the natural man (the man without Spirit) finds foolish (1 Cor.2:10-16; John 16:4,13; 6:63; Matt.13:11-17,35; Mark 4:11; Matt.11:25; Luke 8:10; Isa.44:18).  You are interested in Jesus words - you mentioned the meaning of the Greek word, Carpe, and so continue to use the interlinear as you will get clarity on the meaning of Jesus’ words - many translations, including WT’s NWT, have altered the meaning of Jesus’ words to fit their doctrine (1 Tim.4:1).  What good is a Bible translation no matter how many languages it is translated in if it has been changed to suit a man-made doctrine?  For that matter, what good is a message claiming to fulfill Matthew 24:14 if it is not truth?

My dear friend, you asked what should you do, and that you feel it’s too late to do anything.  It is not too late yet.  You love truth, but you were just deceived into believing what you were taught was truth, but is not the truth, like so many of us were.  If Jesus said you will recognize them by their fruit and you recognized their fruit is bad, and you continue to eat it anyway (John 15:1-5), who are you obeying?  If Jesus instructed you to worship God in Spirit and truth, and that he and the Father do not live in temples made by human hands (John 4:23-24; Acts 7:48-51; 17:24; Isa.66:1; 1 Pet.2:5,9; 1 Cor.3:16), what will you do, listen to men who tell you otherwise?  If you asked Jesus, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” And he answers and says, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent” (John 6:28-29), what would you do, report time in working for a physical religious organization to prove to men you were working in spreading their teachings?  If Jesus assuredly said to you, “he who believes in me has everlasting life,” (John 6:47-48), what would you do?  Not believe him and continue to promote a physical religious organization, lying to people with the message, “come to Jehovah’s organization for salvation” (Watchtower 1981, Nov 15, p.21)?  Jesus says, “Come out of her My people, lest you share in her sins” (Rev.18:4), so now is the time to flee! 

You also asked me if I have written the governing body.  Yes, I have, many times.  They sent word to me through the “elders” of the local KH. Their message to me was, “please stop sending letters.”  If you feel inclined, you may send them this letter or the one I sent you in the mail.  We can be certain on what we must not do…we must not be partakers of their lies, their “unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them” (Eph.5:6-11).

I understand there are a lot of scriptures referenced to read but this is necessary to grasp the spiritual meaning of Jesus' prophetic words.  Please let me know if you have more questions, I do hope to hear from you again.

Much love, Rachel


  1. You don’t believe that Armageddon is literal” then how are we to understand 2 Peter 3:7 when it talks of the “destruction of the ungodly men”?

    1. Rachel Pruden-RomanAugust 6, 2023 at 10:30 AM

      Great question, Daniel. You will find my reply here:
